
Features: Vessemax contains Diosmin, a naturally occurring flavonoid glycoside similar in structure to Hesperidin. Diosmin supports venous integrity and sufficiency and lymphatic flow. Diosmin supports microcirculation and strengthens blood vessels. Hesperidin is a citrus bioflavonoid that strengthens blood vessels and enhances the integrity of collagen. Troxerutin is a drug of the angioprotectin group. Troxerutin has a pronounced venotonic, capillary protective, membrane-stabilizing and anti-inflammatory activity. The drug increases the elasticity of blood vessels, reduces their permeability, improves trophism of tissues. In addition, troxerutin inhibits hyaluronidase and processes of lipid peroxidation, oxidation of ascorbic acid and adrenaline. The drug reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process, has P-Vitamin activity, improves the excretion of metabolic products from tissues.

Directions of use: One tablet twice a day before or with meal

Form: Tablet

Presentation: 30 Tablets

300 mg
100 mg
300 mg
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